Cartoon Factory + Shader (Unreal Engine 4)


How to Set Up a New Level


First start by creating a level and opening it.

Next add a Plane and a Point Light to the Level from the “Place” menu.


With the Plane Selected find the "Details" tab and under Materials change the default material to "M_ConcreateFloor_1_BC"
Once this is done you can scale the plane to any size and the material will automatically scale with it.


Setting up the Shader

To set up a shader you can either copy the "PostProcessVolume" from my "ShowReel_Level" level in the "Maps" folder and paste it into your level to automatically apply it.
Alternatively if you want to set it up manually first add a "PostProcessingVolume" to you level and apply these settings.


First Set the Shadows Contrast's Y to 0.57

Next under film Set
Toe = 0.72
Shoulder = 0.0


Next under Lens set
Metering Mode = Auto Exposure Histogram Min Brightness = -7.7
Max Brightness = 4


Then under Post Process Volume setting
Infinite Extent (Unbound) = True

Finally go to Rendering Feature > post Process Materials > Array
Click the "+" Choose > Asset Reference Click None then search for "MI_CartoonShader_1" Now the Shader will be applied.

Now You can start building your level as you see fit.