VFX & Animation
Fire Sword Summon
Its been a while since I've done any animation and I wanted to practise my combat VFX so I took some time to do both for the Unreal Engine.
The animation was made using the Azri Rig: https://www.gameanim.com/product/azri-rig/
Animated Virtual Piano
Had a free weekend so decided to use it to create a virtual piano that can take live midi input from either an instrument or any audio software. In this example I am using FL Studio to play Loves Sorrow.
Fault: Elder Orb - Loot Chest VFX
In collaboration with MLC I got the pleasure of creating some fun VFX for Strange Matter Studios game.
Alien Hallway
A short project I did with MLC to add VFX to this Unreal Cinematic, for this project I worked on the lighting and VFX.
Dragon Landing
A short project I did with MLC to add VFX to this Unreal Cinematic, this involved editing existing materials adding fog/clouds the main flame breath effect, lighting and cameras.
Halloween Short
This short was created for MLC over the span of two days, the environment assets, vfx and cameras where done by me.