Fantasy Nature Pack + Cartoon Shader (Unreal Engine 4)
How to Set Up a New Level
First Create a basic level set up with lighting and a landscape.
Next add the landscape material simply make your way the the "Landscape>Material" folder and drag and drop the M_LandscapeNature into the Landscape material slot.
Finaly make your way to the landscape-paint tab in modes and scroll down to layers click on the "+" next to Grass and click "Weight_Blended Layer (Normal)" do this for each material in the layers tab.
You can now paint the landscape as you see fit.
To set up a shader you can either copy the "PostProcessVolume" from my "ShowReel" level in the "ExampleMap" and paste it into your level.
Alternatively if you want to set it up manually first add a "PostProcessingVolume" to you level and apply these settings.
First Set the Shadows Contrast's Y to 0.57
Next under film Set
Toe = 0.72
Shoulder = 0.0
Next under Lens set
Metering Mode = Auto Exposure Histogram
Min Brightness = -7.7
Max Brightness = 4
Then under Post Process Volume setting
Infinite Extent (Unbound) = True
Finally go to Rendering Feature > post Process Materials > Array
Click the "+"
Choose > Asset Reference
Click None then search for "M_CelShader"
Now the Shader will be applied.
Changing Tree Leaf Colours
To change the colour of the leaves simply add a tree to you level next make your way to the tree materials folder “Environment > Landscape > Trees > Materials”
With the tree now selected go to the details tab and the replace the
"M_WillowLeavesGreenWind" with any other "M_WillowLeaves(colour)Wind",
then do the same with the "M_WillowLeavesGreen" and replace it with the "M_WillowLeaves(Colour)"
Setting Up The Sign Post
First you need to add the "SignPost" into the world to find it go to "SignPosts" (Enviroment > Props > SignPosts) Folder and drag the "SignPost" into the world.
Next add as many "Sign"'s to the pole.
Finally much like the tree select the sign and replace the "M_Sign_1" with any other "MSign(Number)" found in the same directory as the "SignPost" and "Sign".